Unreal3.1.1+ based irc-networks vulnerability
dl // 08.07.02 19:41
In linked irc networks, based on Unreal3.2-rus.b(DalNet(RU)
edition), anybody can kill another user with any privilegies.
[Не забывайте при копировании материала указывать полный адрес источника: http://www.bugtraq.ru/rsn/archive/2002/07/14.html]
Unreal3.2-rus.b (DalNet(RU) edition) supports Russian and English
nicks. Connect to network, linked with Unreal based network,
type '/nick victim', and substitute any English letter
with one Russian letter in victim's nick. Victim and attacker
will be killed with msg "(Killed (irc.some_linked_network.ru
(Nick Collision))".
Unreal3.2-Selene[beta9]-rus - is the most frequently used
server in Russia.