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Мы поддерживаем ряд общедоступных страниц, содержащих графики, рейтинги, статистику и разнообрзный анализ совместной работы участников проекта. Данный раздел посвящен наиболее общим вопросам по этой теме.
Если у вас по-прежнему остались вопросы, взгляните на шаблоны, используемые для ответа на многие письма с вопросами. Возможно, там есть и ваш вопрос.
Общие вопросы
- Где получить информацию о состоянии проектов distributed.net?
- Доступны ли какие-либо диаграммы или графики?
- Не могли бы вы объяснить термины, используемые в статистике dnet?
- Как часто обновляется статистика, и когда это происходит?
- Что такое UTC? Что-то типа GMT?
- Почему статистика не обновляется чаще?
- Почему я не получил свой пароль?
- Я потерял свой старый почтовый адрес. Будет ли потеряна вся моя статистика?
- Учитываются ли в статистике случайные блоки?
- Было бы здорово, если бы статистика показывала ХХХ. Почему вы этого не сделали?
- Я потерял свой пароль для доступа к статистике и потерял доступ к своему старому почтовому ящику.
- Почему я не могу объединить (retire) более 10 адресов в один?
- Мои блоки не учитываются!
- Я опечатался, когда указывал свой почтовый адрес в настройках клиента, и этот адрес теперь показывается в статистике. Как не потерять эти блоки?
- Статистика испорчена! Какой-то парень только что подпрыгнул на тысячу мест в рейтинге, хотя слил вчера всего несколько блоков.
- Прошло уже более 24 часов, где моя статистика?
- Почему статистика иногда не обновляется?
- Почему в описаниях участников или команд более недоступны произвольные HTML-теги?
- Расскажите поподробнее о командах.
- Я не пойму, как вступить в команду?
- Я создал команду, но ее нет в статистике, и я не могу к ней присоединиться.
- Могу ли я, будучи капитаном команды, показать ее участникам их полный список? Или, наоборот, скрыть его?
- Как выйти из команды?
- Могу ли я, будучи капитаном команды передать ее блоки какой-либо другой команде?
- Как узнать, кто еще входит в мою команду?
- Я уже проверил и залил пару сотен блоков, не будучи членом команды. Зачтутся ли они той команде, к которой я присоединился после этого, или останутся "собственностью" distributed.net?
- Вам надо добавить на страницу со статистикой участника ссылку на команду, в которую он входит.
- Каким образом некая команда поднялась на несколько мест в общем рейтинге, хотя сделала вчера меньше, чем другие?
- Я создал команду несколько дней назад, но статистика говорит, что ей уже 100 дней!
Техническая информация о сервере статистики
- На какой машине работает сервер статистики?
- Можно ли распределить обработку статистики по нескольким машинам?
- Симпатичная статистика. Используете ли вы Cold Fusion или что-то еще?
База скоростей клиентов
- Что такое база скоростей?
- Скорость моего компьютера значительно выше/ниже, чем указано в базе для таких машин.
- Как насчет оценки скорости многопроцессорных машин?
- Я обнаружил явно неправильную запись в базе.
- Что означают колонки StdDev и StdErr%?
- Что означает колонка "Record id"?
- Как лучше всего оценивать скорость для занесения ее в базу?
- В вашей форме нет моего моего процессора операционныой системы или версии клиента.
- Для чего нужно указывать мой почтовый адрес при отправке новой записи в базу скоростей?
distributed.net maintains publicly viewable statistics and rankings
for every project. The server that hosts these statistics is
http://stats.distributed.net/. From
that server's main web page, you will we directed to the specific
stats subsections pertaining to each of our current projects and to user
or team specific statistics.
A large collection of plots, charts, and graphs are available at http://www.distributed.net/statistics/. Graphs for individual participants and teams can be found on the stats server pages at http://stats.distributed.net/
The regression lines on the RC5 rate graphs show best fits for assumptions of linear (in Mkeys/s / day) and exponential (in days to double) growth. By showing both regressions it helps cut short theoretical arguments, generally quoting Moore's Law, as to how we should be growing.
An expanded vertical scale of the RC5 rate graph is available at http://www.distributed.net/statistics/rc5-64/
The 3D OGR graphs located at http://www.distributed.net/statistics/ogr/ represent data that has been processed by clients working on the OGR-24 project. The two horizontal axes reflect the respective locations of the first and second mark on the Golomb ruler. The vertical axis accounts for the number of nodes tested for the corresponding first and second mark locations.
A comprehensive set of statistics for the distributed.net projects can be found on the stats server. There you can find the overall team summary as well as stats on teams and individuals, for each supported projects. The stats pages are updated once per day at 00:00 UTC. There are several bits of information displayed on the project, team and individual stats summary pages.
Current Ranking -- team and individual summaries
This shows how the given team or individual is ranked compared to other
teams or individuals taking part in the project.
Total blocks to search -- all summaries
The RC5-64 keyspace is comprised of approximately 18 million million million
keys. Bovine has organized these into keyblocks. Each keyblock contains
268,435,456 (2^28) keys. There are 68,719,476,736 (2^36) keyblocks covering the
entire keyspace. Keyblocks are the fundamental unit of progress in the Bovine
stats system. The network of proxy keyservers doles out groups of keyblocks to
the clients to be tested. One of these blocks contains the encryption key we
are looking for!
Total blocks checked -- all summaries
The number of keyblocks that have been tested and returned to Bovine so far.
Keyspace Exhausted -- all summaries
The portion of the total keyspace covered by the checked keyblocks expressed as
a percentage.
Total keys checked -- all summaries
The total number of keys that have been tested. It is equal to
the number of total keyblocks tested multiplied by 2^28.
Time Working -- all summaries
The amount of time, expressed in days, that the project, team or individual
has been working on the effort.
Overall Rate -- all summaries
The average keyrate that the project, team or individual has sustained
since they began working on the contest.
Keyblocks and keyrate for yesterday -- all summaries
This area shows the total number of keyblocks checked in the last 24 hour
period (from 0:00 to 0:00 UTC) and the keyrate corresponding to this
number of blocks.
Stats update once per day, assuming everything is healthy.
The update starts at 00:00 UTC and typically takes a few hours to complete.
Well, yeah, sorta. Unless you're into astronomy or extremely anal, UTC and GMT can be considered the same thing.
If you need help figuring out what time UTC is in relation to your local time zone, this page may help. The trick is to remember that UTC doesn't change for daylight savings time.
If you're really curious about the difference, feel free to bore yourself to tears with
the details.
Doing more frequent stats updates isn't really all that useful, and encourages behavior that's damaging to the network.
It's really in everyone's best interest if your clients only flush blocks once a day or so. When stats updated more frequently than daily, some people changed their client configuration to run the smallest block sizes and to flush after every block. This creates needless network traffic and makes for larger log files on the keymaster.
Besides, in a project that's taken over a year, does it really matter how many
blocks you had done *at noon*? Daily updates are quite sufficient for tracking
the progress of the project.
Your stats password will not be automatically emailed to you once you join one of our projects. You will need to request your password by clicking on the link at the bottom of your personal stats page. You must first access your personal stats page by entering your complete email address in the "Participant Search" form located at the top of most stats server pages.
Note that in order to be able to request your password from your participant stats page, you will need to have entered a valid email address in the client configuration menu, flushed some work units back to the proxies, and waited up to 24 hours for the stats server's daily update that will detect that you have joined distributed.net.
No, the stats server has a feature for this situation. What you can do is "retire" your old address into your new address. This will completely and permanently remove your old email address from the stats server and attribute all of its activity to your new email address. This way you can gracefully migrate from one email address to another without losing all your blocks.
To do this, you need a couple things:
Once all those things are in place, you simply visit the configuration page for the old email, and click the retire link. The script will walk you through the procedure of selecting your new email address and performing the retire.
There is now a limit of 8 retired email addresses. Please read this other answer for information about this: Why can't I retire more than 10 email addresses into one?
In addition, any new work that is submitted to your old address after you retire it will be credited to your new address. No work will be "lost" by retiring your accounts.
Yes, and no. Like all blocks, randoms are subject to de-duping at the keymaster. This means that only the first person to submit any one random block will be credited for that block in stats. If two clients pick the same random block, only the first client to submit that block will be credited on stats.
You might assume, though, that the odds of duplicate random blocks is quite slim but in reality that's not always the case. There are two additional factors involved. Random blocks are not chosen from the entire 2**64 keyspace, but rather we've pre-defined some slices of keyspace as random slices, and when your client picks a random block it will come out of one of these areas. Which slice to use is determined by the keymaster and communicated to your client when it connects to the network. What this means is, the ratio of tested / untested keys in a random prefix can vary tremendously. As more and more random blocks are turned in, the current random keyslice gets more and more full and the odds of your client picking a duplicate block increase.
While allowing the clients to pick randoms from the entire keyspace might seem an attractive concept, there are two reasons why this is not wise. First, it wouldn't make any sense if we were 90% complete, since 90% of all randoms would end up as duplicates. Secondly, we are unable to track the entire keyspace on the keymaster. We can only accept blocks from "open" keyslices that are being actively tracked. If a block arrives at the keymaster for a keyslice that isn't open, it is discarded and will not be reflected in stats. Since we are limited in the number of keyslices we can simultaneously track, it's necessary
that we be able to control which areas from the keyspace a client pulls random blocks from.
It would be great if we could show every statistic every participant could think of, but we (the distributed.net staff) run in to some limits which force us to pick and choose:
Send email to help@distributed.net and write a message that is convincing enough to make them believe that the email address in question actually belonged to you. If they believe you, they can provide you with the password.
It was necessary to impose a limit because some malicious users were using this feature to combine email addresses that belonged to other users (and had gained access to the victim's email address and password through their own means).
We recognize that some users may need to legitimately retire more than 10 email addresses, and we will personally address these issues on a case by case basis. If you fall in this category, please send email to our general help email address describing your problem.
Please note that we do *not* support retires as a way of creating 'sub-teams'. We know that a number of participants would like to see this feature implimented, and it is on the to-do list. Please be patient, as this type of change is a lot more complicated than it looks, and it will take some time for us to devise a system to handle it.
There are many reasons why work units could be 'disappearing'.
Are you sure that your client is not processing randomly generated work units? Depending on it's settings, the client will start checking random RC5 work units if it runs out of work to do. Some random work units will actually be new work units that have never been assigned, and when the client submits them you will recieve credit for them. Many random work units are work units that have already been returned to the master. In this case, the master will discard the random work unit that you submitted as a duplicate. You do not get credit in stats for duplicates, so make sure that your client always has a supply of work.
Unfortunately, due to the speed with which we are processing each subspace, some users are having non-random work units marked as dupes. What is happening is clients will do some random work units in the next subspace. While those clients are working on those random work units, we switch to that subspace, and the master starts handing out work units from it. Before the handed out work units are processed and returned, randoms from that subspace come in and are credited. When the clients that were given those work units by the master eventually return them, they are marked as duplicates and discarded.
While this is not a good situation, we are aware of it. The best solution at this time is to buffer as little work as possible.
Another frequent reason for 'missing work' is latencey. Our network is designed for maximum uptime and redundancty. This also means that it does not operate real-time... it takes some time between when you submit a work unit to a fullproxy and when it actually gets to the master. The stats are based on when a block is received by the master, not when it was completed by the client. So if you flush at 2300GMT, those blocks might not make it into that night's statsrun. This means that you can not look at any single day and determine that you are missing blocks... they might show up tommorow, or even later. In extreme cases, we've even seen work units get delayed by 2 weeks.
If you are submitting work to a personal proxy (any proxy not officially run by distributed.net) then we can not guarantee that that work will make it to our network. This is because we can not control personal proxies. The person running a personal proxy can easily delete any work that has been submitted to the personal proxy without actually submitting the work to our network. Or their computer could crash. Or their dog could eat the blocks. You get the picture. }:8)
Many people have been confused about OGR stats. OGR is an ongoing projects, but it is divided into many small projects. The results for these seperate projects are reported seperately by stats, so please make sure and check any available OGR stats before reporting missing work.
If you still feel the need to contact us about missing work units, please follow these guidlines:
If you have mistyped your email address in your client, and the client has already returned work units to distributed.net (i.e. the incorrect email address has shown up in the stats) you need to email help@distributed.net and explain the situation.
What you are seeing is the results of a retired account. The participant has retired another email account into the account you see listed, combining the statistics of both email addresses. This obviously affects their overall ranking, as their current email address suddenly gains the benefit of the blocks checked under their old, retired email resulting in an impressive jump in the overall rankings.
However, since the blocks in question weren't done yesterday, but rather are the result of their previous work under another email address, they have no impact on "yesterday" stats or the reported block count from the previous day.
See also: http://n0cgi.distributed.net/faq/cache/237.html
A common comment towards distributed.net is that a new user can not find his or her stats after running the client for 24-hours (or more).
The key to this "24-hour" value is that the client has actually returned completed work to the distributed.net servers. If this is done, prior to 0:00 UTC, then you will receive credit for your work and should see your stats the "next day."
To return completed work to the distributed.net use the "dnetc -update" command or right-click on the cow-icon and choose "update." This command will force the client to "flush" (or return) work to the distributed.net servers. Note that you must be connected to the internet in order to accomplish this task.
The client, by default, can be configured a variety of ways to return completed work as the user desires. This can be done with changing the "Buffer Threshold" and/or the "Client Connectivity". Refer to these other topics for additional help:
How do I make the client start/stop/fetch/flush/etc at specific times of the day/week?
I use a modem. How can I get the client to download enough packets?
How can I fetch enough work for when I am offline?
Some times the log files are not correctly processed by tally, the statsbox and our audits that occur at the end of our statistics runs catch these problems before the data is updated completely. When this occurs someone must manually fix the problem, and some times that takes a while as the person could be out of town, or busy with other things (remember, we are all volunteers here) :)
Also some times the log files are not correctly transfered between tally and the keymaster, which again requires manual intervention to get them running again.
Your best bet is to check the .plans which are located at http://n0cgi.distributed.net/cgi/dnet-finger.cgi for more information, or visit us in #distributed on irc.distributed.net (most of the time people there know what's going on!)
In January 2002, we had to instate a new policy that prohibited the use of arbitrary HTML in the customized team and participant "motto" sections of our website. http://cgi.distributed.net/cgi/planarc.cgi?user=bovine&plan=2002-01-22.20:52
Although it was not something we wanted to do, without restrictions on content, it was possible for malicious javascript to execute and leverage your logged-in team and participant password to alter your membership, including switching you onto different teams. Allowing arbitrary HTML or Javascript to execute from within the domain of *.distributed.net could also allow the compromization of secure cookies used by the stats site to remember your login. As you can imagine, this is a significant vulnerability and we need to treat security issues seriously.
Attempting to filtering general HTML is what a number of web-mail providers (like Hotmail, YahooMail, and others) attempt to do today, but if you've kept up on monitoring security vulnerabilities mailing lists (such as BugTraq or Vuln-Dev), you're probably aware of incident after incident of new tags being discovered that needed to also be filtered. These new discoveries have continued to occur every few months for the last several years, ever since the popularity of web-based mail took off. E-Bay also attempts to allow auctioneers to utilize HTML for their product descriptions, but they also need to filter malicious techniques that can be used to automatically submit bids and such. There are many other instances of websites that need to employ similar tactics.
There are many ways to include malicious javascript in arbitrary HTML: you can attach OnLoad/OnOver/OnFocus events to most HTML elements. Cascading style sheets can be used to add extended behaviors to other types. The "javascript:" protocol can be used anyplace an URL can be referenced. Inline <script ...> blocks can be used. Plugins/ActiveX can be invoked through a variety of techniques including the <embed ...> or <object ...> tag and potentially invoke holes that exist in those plugins. Frames can be created with <iframe ...>, <frame ...>, <layer ...>, or <span ...> that reference other websites and load unsafe code that can manipulate the main page's namespace through webbrowser bugs. It's possible to use <meta http...> to trigger refreshes to other locations or submit automatic responses to other pages on our website. Other URL protocols, such as "file:" or "money:" or "telnet:" can be used in some cases to reference local resources through some types of browser bugs.
An additional part of the difficulty is that web browsers are designed to be extremely tolerant of HTML that they parse in the interests of being most compatible (but each browser is tolerant in different ways). Different browsers allow different encodings throughout their documents. For example, "<script%20language= javascript>", "<script >", "< script>", and hex-encoded, mixed-case, and unicode/foreign character sets provide equivalent ways of expressing the same thing.
Two well-written security advisories on this type of exploit are available from CERT:
Within the last month alone, there have been numerous cross-site scripting issues exposed throughout the web on extremely popular websites. Here are just a few of the articles on BugTraq within the last month that succinctly summarize the variety of the problems:
In summary, it is an ongoing job to maintain filters that attempt to explicitly exclude "known unsafe" activities, and we do not have the resources or desire to maintain such filtering technologies. It's far easier to do the opposite and create a filter that only allows "known safe" activities. Although it would be possible to try to construct a filter that allows good-HTML to be entered (but be very aggressive and only allow "known safe" forms), it's a little easier to create your own variant that does not have any of the operational expectations that HTML has. Attempting to filter HTML also has the problem of inadvertantly breaking "safe" HTML that simply does not conform to the strict filtering rules that would need to be used (after all, there are innumerable ways of expressing the same effect).
By creating our own markup language that is extremely limited and extremely strict in its allowances, there is far less ambiguity over why something isn't working or what is allowed. In actuality, the markup language that was chosen to be implemented is intentionally similar to the markup language used by UBB/phpBB/vBulletin and a number of other bulletin-board packages available today, so as to reduce the "non-standardness" of our technique. The available tags are shown on the team and participant configuration pages.
To make things more interesting, some people have decided to work together in groups (rather than individually) and thus increase interest and participation. It is important to note that this is not about one team versus another, or about who actually cracks the key. This is an effort to demonstrate that a collection of amateur internet enthusiasts can break strong 64-bit encryption using only their existing computing resources.
Teams are optional! They are fun and the rivalries between them help to increase project participation but you are not required to join a team if you don't want to. Also there are no official teams for anything. Some people might claim that their team is the official team for an operating system or group, but you are not required to join it. You can simply run for yourself, or run for others if you wish.
For those of you who participated in the Bovine RC5-56 project you should be aware that teams are being handled differently this time around. Previously a team was identified by the email address of the team coordinator. To join you had to submit blocks using that address. This time around we have set up a true team structure. Individual contributors should report all checked blocks under their OWN email addresses. They can then choose to affiliate themselves with a particular team. If they do so their individual stats will continue to report their total effort but their contribution will also be counted in their team's total.
If you want to create a new team, simply visit http://stats.distributed.net/newteam1.php3 Be sure to carefully read the notice that appears. You only need to register if your team doesn't already exist. If you really mean to join a pre-existing team proceed as follows. First, get the ID number of the team you wish to join (this can be done using the Search for Team facility on the stats page). Then, from your individual stats summary page, you can affiliate yourself with your team by choosing the Edit Participant Information button. Note that this last step requires a password. If you don't already have one you can get one automatically mailed to you from the link at the bottom of your individual stats summary page.
One other note about joining teams. If you've never joined a team before
then ALL the blocks you have checked will go to bolster your team's stats
when you join. If you do already belong to a team and then switch to a
different one only new blocks that you check will be attributed to your
new team. Old blocks stay with your old team. In either case your individual
stats always show your total contribution since starting the effort regardless
of whether or not you have joined a team or switched teams.
Before you can join a team, you must first have your password. Once you've gotten your password, and you've successfully edited your participant information, then you'll be in a position to join a team.
The simplest way is to simply go to your team's stats summary page and click the "I want to join this team" link. You'll be presented with a login dialog box where you should enter your email address and your password.
That's all there is to it!
Perhaps there is a "team creation" faq out there that gives erroneous instructions, because this question is actually pretty common. When you created the team, it was explained pretty clearly so I'll simply repeat here in the FAQ what you read when the team was created:
You team will not be listed in the stats database until you've joined it After you join your team, it will show up after the next stats run.
You may edit your team information by using this link:
You should also join your team by using this link:
To set a password or to make your team lists public, you need to edit you team information. There you can edit the properties of the team member list. To restrict access, you would set it to password or completely disable your team list.
You have to go into your personal preferences page via the "Edit your information" link and click on the "If you do not wish to be on a team, click here." link next to your current team affiliation.
No. Once blocks are allocated to a team, they cannot be allocated to a different team. Blocks completed in the future can be set to a different team. This would be completed by re-setting the team affiliation of your team member's emails.
If you are currently on a team that allows public viewing of team members, you can click on the link below the team-specific status entitled "Click here to view this team's participant stats for yesterday or overall." If your team list is private, you will need a password for your team list. Contact your team administrator for the password needed to view your team member list. When entering your password needed to view the team lists, please note that it is not case-sensitive.
All blocks completed previous to your joining a team will become permanent property of the team you join first. If you wish to change teams, you may, however, all blocks will be owned by the team you were working for while completing them.
This is a commonly-requested feature, but it's our view that a person's team membership is private and to display that on stats would be a violation of participants' privacy.
Imagine a controversial team, like a pro-life team or a drug-legalization team. It's concievable that a person might wish to support that team by being a member yet wouldn't want to advertise their support or make it known that they are on that team.
Or, imagine being a participant in the top 10 who is not on any team at all. That person would (due to the suspicious lack of a team affiliation line on their summary) likely be deluged in requests to join people's teams. "dood! you rool! join team luser!" We'd prefer to allow people to participate individually in peace and privacy.
To offset this, please feel free to mention your team affiliation in your participant motto, which shows
up on your summary page. The motto allows html, so you can even embed a link if you wish. We feel that this
compromise is the best of both situations.
Whenever a participant joins a team, any work they have submitted that wasn't previously assigned to a team will be assigned to the team that they just joined. So if team X has done 10,000 work units and a participant joins them that has 50,000 work units that aren't already assigned to a team, as soon as that team join takes effect, team X will have 60,000 work units total.
The confusing part is that team X's summary page won't show 50,000 blocks being done yesterday. They will move up a large amount in the overall ranking, even though they did very few (or even 0) work units yesterday.
This is intentional. Those 50,000 work units might have been assigned to the team yesterday, but they weren't actually submitted yesterday... they were submitted over many days or even months.
See also: http://n0cgi.distributed.net/faq/cache/212.html
The age of a team, as reported in stats, is not related in any way to the day the team was actually created. The "start date" for a team is instead the oldest work unit that's been credited to that team.
If a participant joins your team and brings with them blocks which they've done in the past but have never assigned to a team, then your team will get credit for all those blocks on the days that those blocks were actually completed.
The current stats server, blower, has these stats:
You ask, "Wow, that's a nice box. What was the server before that?" Well, the old machine was a Pentium 166 overclocked to 200MHz, 128MB of ram, and enough IDE drives to be a major bottleneck.
Not really. Most of the work is adding up all the rows in a table. If
the connections between all the machines were very fast maybe it could
be done. It would be cheaper to just buy a faster server though.
We use the very powerful VIM development environment to design the stats html. The powerful PHP package is used as the scripting language for all of the dynamic pages. Sybase is the database backend that is used to store and access of all of the statistical data.
distributed.net maintains a public database of the benchmark speeds of its clients on various CPU models and speeds at http://www.distributed.net/speed/
This database is useful primarily for comparing the relative performance between different processor models. It can also be very useful for determining if your system is running the client as fast as other users are, and can help identify the existence of potential hardware configuration problems.
Keep in mind that the Client Speeds Database pages are completely unrelated to the Participant and Teams Stats database that shows your cumulative amount of work completed. The Client Speeds Database is meant purely to show the representative speed that a single client on a single processor type/speed can expect for a single benchmarked block.
This can occur because of any of the following reasons (and possibly others):
The speed pages also provide the ability to enter the benchmarks of multiprocessor machines. However, keep in mind that the keyrate of any individual processor within a multi-processor machine will generally be comparable to that of identical MHz single-processor machine. As such, the overall speed for a multiprocessor machine is generally merely the speed of one processor multiplied by the number of processors within that machine.
The primary purpose of the separate multi-processor speed listing is to provide a single page that summarizes the types and speeds of the available multi-processor machines on the market against each other. Also many casual users simply aren't familiar with the availability/limits of specific processor counts for different architectures, and these multi-processor speed pages gives those users a convenient place to find that information.
Please keep in mind that the benchmark speed reported by the client is always for one processor! When submitting the speed for a multi-processor machine, you will need to manually multiply the single-processor before entering the speed within the submission form.
Sometimes people accidentally submit speeds into our database that is obviously incorrect, for reasons such as the following:
If you suspect that you've found such an entry, use the "submit a bug request" link that is on the front http://www.distributed.net/speed/ page and we will manually remove such entries.
StdDev represents the "standard deviation" of all reported speeds for that CPU MHz. The standard deviation is a statistical figure that can be used to determine the typical range in which all of the reported speeds lie within. Typically when there is a high amount of correlation between all of the reported values, then a high majority of the values will lie within reported the mean spead +/- the standard deviation amount. Values that lie outside of that range have a greater possibility of being anomalous.
StdErr% is simply a different representation of the standard deviation. It is simply the result of the following (stddev / mean * 100). StdErr% is useful for comparing the relative amount of deviation between each of the values within the summary listing pages. Typically, if the StdErr% exceeds 15% or 20%, then there is a high amount of deviation within that group of values, and one or more of the values is anaomalous to a large degree.
This column is simply a unique number assigned to each new entry that each person enters into the database. It has no statisical value and only serves as a convenient way for us to point out individual anamalous entries and delete or correct them.
The way that I recommend you generate stats is by running the client 3 times, and taking the best rate of the three. Also, when possible, it is best to run the clients in as similar an environment as possible. Not all UNIX or multi-user machines have that luxury, so there may be some fluctuation between measured and actual speed.
If your processor, operating system, or client version is not one of the available options, then go back to the main speed index page and use the bugzilla link at the bottom of http://www.distributed.net/speed/ to report the value that you need.
Please make an effort not to submit bogus or invalid values. If you know that your speed value is suspiciously higher or lower than any of the other values reported by others for similar hardware, then recheck your values. Similiarly, if you know your system is grinding to a halt and about to crash and the speed reported by the client is totally non-sense, then don't report that value! Additionally, don't report excessively high/low values for favorite/hated operating system. The purpose of this database is provide a useful comparison for other users, not to promote platform advocacy or advertise bizarre values. By not submitting these bad values, you will save us the effort of having to remove it later.
Please use the "submit a bug request" link that is available at the bottom of http://www.distributed.net/speed/ to submit a request and we will add it!
The email address that you enter is not used for any publicly displayed purpose. It only serves as a way to allow us to contact you if your entry seems to have been entered incorrectly and we need to ask you to re-enter it again or re-verify it.