Изучая различные материалы по защите информации (статьи, документации, презентации и т.д.), каждый специалист по информационной безопасности регулярно сталкивается с различными аббревиатурами. Но бывает очень сложно запомнить все расшифровки этих акронимов. Понимая это, компания Cisco Systems, мировой лидер в области решений по информационной безопасности, разработала для всех специалистов этот документ, который включает в себя трактовку свыше 900 различных аббревиатур.
A |
AA | Attribute Authority |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization And Accounting |
AADS | Account Authority Digital Signature |
AAFID | An Architecture For Intrusion Detection |
ABA | American Bar Association |
ACC | Access Control Center |
ACE | Access Control Entry |
ACF2 | Access Control Facility 2 |
ACI | Access Control Information |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACO | Access Control Officer |
ACP | Access Control Program |
ACS | 1. Access Control Server |
| 2. Access Control System |
AD | Active Directory |
ADF | Access Control Decision Function |
ADI | Access Control Decision Information |
ADO | Access Decision Object |
AEF | Access Control Enforcement Function |
AEP | Application Environment Profile |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AFCERT | Air Force CERT |
AFIS | Automated Fingerprint Identification System |
AFIWC | Air Force Information Warfare Center |
AFRL | Air Force Research Laboratory |
AFSSI | Air Force System Security Instruction |
AFSSM | Air Force System Security Memorandum |
AH | Authentication Header |
AI | Authentication Information |
AIC | Application Inspection and Control |
AID | Adaptive Intrusion Detection system |
AICPA | American institute of certified public accountants |
AIRK | Area Interswitch Rekeying Key |
AIS | Automated Information Systems |
AISS | Automated Information Systems Security |
AISEP | Australasian Information Security Evaluation Programme |
AISSAP | Automated Information System Security Assessment Program |
AISSP | Army Information Systems Security Program |
AK | Automatic Remote Rekeying |
AKA | Authentication and Key Agreement |
AKD | Automatic Key Distribution |
AKDC | Automatic Key Distribution Center |
A-Key | Authentication Key |
AKMC | Automated Key Management Center |
AKMS | Automated Key Management System |
ALG | Application Layer/Level Gateway |
AMF | Authentication Management Field |
AMI | Authentication Management Infrastructure |
ANSA | Adaptive Network Security Alliance |
ANSMM | Adaptive Network Security Manager Module |
APAR | Authorized Program Analysis Record |
AR | Army Regulation |
ARL | Authority Revocation List |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency |
AS | 1. Authentication Server |
| 2. Authentication Service |
ASA | Adaptive Security Algorithm |
ASAX | Advanced Security Audit-trail Analysis on uniX |
ASD | Attack Signature Detection |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASIM | Automated Security Incident Measurement |
ASIS | American Society for Industrial Security |
ASR | Access and Security Representative |
ASSIST | Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team |
AUBAD | Automated User Behavior Anomaly Detection system |
AuC | Authentication Center |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy |
AUSCERT | Australian Computer Emergency Response Team |
AUTN | Authentication Token |
AV | Antivirus |
AVERT | Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team |
 |  |
C |
C2 | Command and Control |
C2W | Command and Control Warfare |
C3 | Command, control and communications |
C3I | Command, control, communications and intelligence |
C4 | Command, Control, Communications, and computers |
C4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence |
C4ISR | Command, Control, Communications, Computer Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
C&A | Certification and Accreditation |
CA | Certification Authority |
CAT | Common Authentication Technology |
CAAT | Computer-Assisted Audit Technique |
CADS | Certification Authority Digital Signature |
CALEA | Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act |
CAS | Controlled Access System |
CASL | Custom Audit Scripting Language |
CAST | от имен Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares |
CAPI | Cryptographic Application Programming Interface |
CAW | Certification authority workstation |
CBAC | Content-based access control |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining |
CBCC | Cipher Block Chaining With Checksum |
CC | Common Criteria |
CCA | Cardholder Certification Authority |
CCEP | Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program |
CCI | Common Content Inspection |
CCIPS | Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining |
CC | Common Criteria |
CCB | Configuration Control Board |
CCI | 1. Common Content Inspection |
| 2. Controlled Cryptographic Item |
CCIP | Centre for Critical Infrastructure Protection |
CCITSE | Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation |
CCM | Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authenticity Check |
CCMP | Counter Mode–CBC MAC Protocol |
CCSE | Check Point Certified Security Engineer |
CCSP | Cisco Certified Security Professional |
CCTL | Common Criteria Testing Laboratory |
CCTP | Common Criteria Testing Program |
CDS | 1. Cryptographic Device Services |
| 2. Certificate Discovery Server |
CDSA | 1. Common Data Security Architecture |
| 2. Communication And Data Security Architecture |
CEM | Common Evaluation Methodology |
CER | 1. Crossover Error Rate |
| 2. Cryptographic Equipment room |
CERIAS | Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security |
CERT/CC | CERT Coordination Center |
CERT-NL | Computer Emergency Response Team Netherlands |
CFB | Cipher Feedback |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CI | Content Inspector |
CIAC | 1. Computer Incident Advisory Capability |
| 2. Computer Incident Assessment Capability |
CID | Common Intrusion Detection |
CIDDS | Common Intrusion Detection Director System |
CIDF | Common Intrusion Detection Framework |
CIK | Cryptographic Ignition Key |
CINC | Commander-in-Chief |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIP | 1. Critical Infrastructure Protection |
| 2. Crypto-Ignition Plug |
CIPA | Children‘s Internet Protection Act |
CIPC | Content Inspection Protocol Client |
CIPSO | Common IP Security Option |
CIRK | Common Interswitch Rekeying Key |
CIRT | 1. Cyber-Incident Response Team |
| 2. Computer Incident Response Team |
CIS | Center for Internet Security |
CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor |
CISF | Catalyst Integrated Security Framework |
CISL | Common Intrusion Specification Language |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer |
CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional |
CK | 1. Compartment Key |
| 2. Cipher Key |
CKG | Cooperative Key Generation |
CKL | Compromised Key List |
CM | Configuration Management |
CMC | Ciphering Mode Command |
CMCS | COMSEC Material Control System |
CMDS | Computer Misuse Detection System |
CMEA | Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm |
CMP | Certificate Management Protocol |
CMS | Cryptographic Message Syntax |
CMW | Compartmented Mode Workstation |
CNA | Computer Network Attack |
CNCS | Cryptonet Control Station |
CND | Computer Network Defense |
CNK | Cryptonet Key |
COAST | Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology |
COE | Common Operating Environment |
COMPUSEC | Computer Security |
COMPSEC | Computer Security |
COMSEC | Communications Security |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
COOP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
COPPA | Children‘s Online Privacy Protection Act |
COPS | 1. Computer Oracle and Password System |
| 2. Common Open Policy Service |
CORES | Computer Response Squad |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CP | Certification Policy |
CPRM | Content Protection for Removable Media |
CPS | 1. Certificate Practices Statement |
| 2. COMSEC Parent Switch |
CRAM | Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CRP | COMSEC Resources Program |
CS | Classified Sensitive |
CSA | Cisco Security Agent |
CSC | Computer Security Center |
CSE | 1. Communications Security Element |
| 2. Content Security Element |
CSI | Computer Security Institute |
CSIR | Computer Security Incident Response |
CSIRC | Computer Security Incident Response Capability |
CSIRT | Computer Security Incident Response Team |
CSO | Chief Security Officer |
CSOR | Computer Security Objects Register |
CSP | 1. Cryptographic Service Provider |
| 2. Critical Security Parameters |
CSR | Certificate Signing Request |
CSRC | Computer Security Response Center |
CSRT | Content Security Response Team |
CSS | 1. Comsec Subordinate Switch |
| 2. Continuous Signature Service |
CSSM | Common Security Services Manager |
CSSO | Contractor Special Security Officer |
CSTC | Computer Security Technology Center |
CSTVRP | Computer Security Technical Vulnerability Reporting Program |
CT&E | Certification Test And Evaluation |
CTAK | Cipher Text Auto-Key |
CTCPEC | Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria |
CT-KIP | Cryptographic Token Key Initialization Protocol |
CTR | Counter Mode |
CUP | COMSEC Utility Program |
CVE | 1. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures |
| 2. Common Vulnerability Enumeration |
CVP | Content Vectoring Protocol |
CVSS | Common Vulnerability Scoring System |
 |  |
D |
DAA | 1. Designated Approving Authority |
| 2. Delegated Accrediting Authority |
DAC | 1. Discretionary Access Control |
| 2. Data Authentication Code |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
DACL | Discretionary Access Control List |
DAMA | Demand Assigned Multiple Access |
DAME | Dark Avenger's Mutation Engine |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DASS | Distributed Authentication Security Service |
DCCS | Departmental Committee on Computer Security |
DCTF | DISA Continuity of Operations and Test Facility |
DDN SCC | Defense Data Network Security Coordination Center |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DEA | Data encryption Algorithm |
DECC | Defense Enterprise Computing Center |
DECC-D | Defense Enterprise Computing Center œ Detachment |
DEK | Data Encryption Key |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFA | Deterministic Finite Automata |
DFN-CERT | Deutsches Forschungsnetz Computer Emergency Response Team |
DH | Diffie-Hellman |
DHA | Directory Harvest Attack |
DIDS | Distributed Intrusion Detection System |
DII | Defense Information Infrastructure |
DISA | Defense Information Systems Agency |
DISAI | Defense Information Systems Agency Instruction |
DISN | Defense Information System Network |
DITSCAP | DoD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process |
DLED | Dedicated Loop Encryption Device |
DLAR | Defense Logistics Agency Regulation |
DMC | Defense Megacenter |
DMVPN | Dynamic Multipoint VPN |
DMZ | Demilitarized zone |
DNSSEC | Secure DNS |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DOD-CERT | Department of Defense Computer Emergency Response Team |
DOI | Domain of Interpretation |
DoS | Denial of Service |
DPAPI | Data Protection API |
DPL | Degausser Products List |
DRM | Digital Rights Management |
DRP | Disaster Recovery Plan |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
DSO | 1. Departmental Security Officer |
| 2. Data Security Officer |
DSS | Digital Signature Standard |
DSV | Dynamic Signature Verification |
DSX | Dynamic Security Extension |
DTIC | Defense Technical Information Center |
DTK | The Deception ToolKit |
DTLS | Descriptive Top-Level Specification |
DVCP | Dynamic VPN Configuration Protocol |
 |  |
E |
EA | Electronic Attack |
EAL | Evaluation Assurance Level |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAPOL | EAP over LAN |
ECB | Electronic codebook |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem/Cryptography |
ECCM | Electronic Counter-Countermeasures |
ECDL | Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm |
ECM | Electronic Countermeasures |
ECPA | Electronic Communications Privacy Act |
ECPL | Endorsed Cryptographic Products List |
EDESPL | Endorsed Data Encryption Standard Products List |
EDS CEN | EDS Computer Emergency Network |
EES | Escrowed Encryption Standard |
EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation |
EFS | Encrypting File System |
EFTO | Encrypt For Transmission Only |
EICAR | European Institute of Computer Anti-Virus Research |
EKE | Encrypted Key Exchange |
EKMS | Electronic Key Management System |
ELSEC | 1. Electronic Security |
| 2. Electronic Emission Security |
EMERALD | Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances |
EMRT | Emergency Response Time |
EMSEC | 1. Emanation security |
| 2. Emissions Security |
EP | Electronic Protection |
EPL | Evaluated Products List |
EPS | Electronic Protection System |
ERS | Emergency Response Service |
ES | Electronic Warfare Support |
ESA | Encapsulating Security Payload |
ESE | Electronic Security Environment |
ESM | Enterprise Security Manager |
ESP | Encapsulating Security Payload |
ESS | Embedded Security Subsystem |
ETL | Endorsed Tools List |
EUCI | Endorsed for Unclassified Cryptographic Item/Information |
EW | Electronic warfare |
 |  |
G |
G7799 | GIAC Certified ISO-17799 Specialist Certified Professionals |
GAK | Government Access to Keys |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GASSATA | Genetic Algorithm for Simplified Security Audit Trail Analysis |
GAWN | GIAC Auditing Wireless Networks Certified Professionals |
GBLC | GIAC Business Law and Computer Security Certified Professionals |
GCA | Geopolitical Certificate Authority |
GCDS | GIAC Contracting for Data Security Certified Professionals |
GCFA | GIAC Certified Forensics Analyst Certified Professionals |
GCFW | GIAC Certified Firewall Analyst Certified Professionals |
GCIA | GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst Certified Professionals |
GCIH | GIAC Certified Incident Handler Certified Professionals |
GCSB | Government Communications Security Bureau |
GCSC | 1. Government Communications Security Committee |
| 2. GIAC Certified Security Consultant Certified Professionals |
GCUX | GIAC Certified UNIX Security Administrator Certified Professionals |
GCWN | GIAC Certified Windows Security Administrator Certified Professionals |
GEWF | GIAC E-warfare Certified Professionals |
GHSC | GIAC HIPAA Security Implementation Certified Professionals |
GHTQ | GIAC Cutting Edge Hacking Techniques Certified Professionals |
GIAC | Global Information Assurance Certification |
GID | Group ID |
GINA | Graphical Identification and Authorisation |
GISA | German Information Security Agency |
GISO | GIAC Information Security Officer Certified Professionals |
GISF | GIAC Information Security Fundamentals Certified Professionals |
GLBA | Graham-Leach-Billey Act |
GLFR | GIAC Law of Fraud Certified Professionals |
GLIT | GIAC Legal Issues in Information Technologies Certified Professionals |
GMK | Group Master Key |
GNOSC | Global Network Operations and Security Center |
GPO | Group Policy Object |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
GREM | GIAC Reverse Engineering Malware Certified Professionals |
GrIDS | Graph-based Intrusion Detection System |
GRIP | Guidelines and Recommendations for Security Incident Processing |
GSAE | GIAC Security Audit Essentials Certified Professionals |
GSE | GIAC Security Expert Certified Professionals |
GSEC | GIAC Security Essentials Certification Certified Professionals |
GSI | Grid Security Infrastructure |
GSLC | GIAC Security Leadership Certification Certified Professionals |
GSNA | GIAC Systems and Network Auditor Certified Professionals |
GSP | Global Security Policy |
GSS-API | Generic Security Services -Application Programming Interface |
GTK | Group Transient Key |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier |
GULS | Generic Upper Layer Security |
GW | Gateway |
 |  |
I |
I2WAR | Infrastructural And Information Warfare |
I&A | Identification and Authentication |
I&W/TA | Indications And Warnings / Threat Assessment |
IA | Information Assurance |
IAKERB | Initial and Pass-Through Authentication Using Kerberos V5 |
IAM | Identity and Access Management |
IAP | Intrusion Alert Protocol |
IAVA | Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert |
IAVM | Information Assurance Vulnerability Management |
IBAC | Identity Based Access Control |
IBAG | INFOSEC Business Advisory Group |
IBW | 1. Information-Based Warfare |
| 2. Intelligence-Based Warfare |
ICAT | Internet Categorization of Attacks Toolkit |
ICRA | Internet Content Rating Association |
ICRL | Indirect Certificate Revocation List |
ICS | Interdepartmental Committee on Security |
ICSA | International Computer Security Association |
ICV | Integrity Check Value |
ID | 1. Identifier |
| 2. Intrusion detection |
IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm |
IDES | Intrusion Detection Expert System |
IDIOT | Intrusion Detection In Our Time |
IDIP | Intruder Detection and Isolation Protocol |
IDLE | Intrusion Data Library Enterprise |
IDP | Intrusion Detection and Prevention System |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IDT | Intrusion Detection Tool |
IDSC | Intrusion Detection Systems Consortium |
IDW | Information Dominance Warfare |
IDWG | Intrusion Detection Working Group |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IHT | Incident Handling Team |
IIA | Institute of Internal Auditors |
IIRK | Interarea Interswitch Rekeying Key |
IISSCC | International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium |
IK | Integrity Key |
IKE | IPSec Key Exchange |
iKP | Internet Keyed Payments Protocol |
INFOSEC | Information Security |
INFOWAR | Information Warfare |
IP | Information Protection |
IPCA | Internet Policy Certification Authority |
IPMO | INFOSEC Program Management Office |
IPRA | Internet Policy Registration Authority |
IPS | 1. Intrusion Prevention System |
| 2. Intrusion Protection Systems |
IPSec | Internet Protocol Security |
IPSO | Internet Protocol Security Option |
IRF | Inherited Rights Filter |
IRK | Interswitch Rekeying Key |
IRT | Incident response team |
IS | 1. Information System |
| 2. Information Security |
ISA | Internet Security and Acceleration |
ISACA | Information Systems Audit and Control Association |
ISACF | Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation |
ISAKMP | Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol |
ISC2 | International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISS | 1. Internet Security Scanner |
| 2. Internet Security Systems |
| 3. Information Systems Security |
ISSA | 1. Information Systems Security Association |
| 2. International Systems Security Association |
ISSE | Information Systems Security Engineering |
ISSM | Information Systems Security Manager |
ISSO | 1. Information Systems Security Officer |
| 2. NSA Information Systems Security Organization |
ISSP | Information System Security Policy |
ISSPM | Information Systems Security Program Manager |
ITA | Intruder Alert |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
IT-SAC | Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center |
ITSEC | Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria |
ITSEM | Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual |
ITU-T | International Telecommunications Union, Telecommunication Standardization Sector |
ItW | In the Wild |
IV | 1. Initialization Vector |
| 2. Initialization Value |
IW | Information warfare |
 |  |
N |
NACAM | National COMSEC Advisory Memorandum |
NACSI | National COMSEC Instruction |
NACSIM | National COMSEC Information Memorandum |
NADIR | Network Audit Director and Intrusion Reporter |
NAK | Negative Acknowledge |
NAS | Network Access Server |
NASIRC | NASA Automated Systems Incident Response Capability |
NAPT | Network Address Port Translation |
NAR | Network Address Retention |
NASL | Nessus Attack Scripting Language |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NAVCIRT | Naval Computer Incident Response Team |
NAVSO | Navy Staff Office Publication |
NBAR | Network-Based Application Recognition |
NCIS | Naval Criminal Investigative Service |
NCS | National Cryptologic School |
NCSA | National Computer Security Association |
NCSC | National Computer Security Center |
NFAT | Network Forensic Analysis Tools |
NFR | Network Flight Recorder |
NIAC | National Infrastructure Advisory Council |
NIAP | National Information Assurance Partnership |
NID | Network Intrusion Detector |
NIDES | 1. Network Intrusion Detection Expert System |
| 2. Next-generation IDES |
NIDS | Network-based IDS |
NII | National Information Infrastructure |
NIPC | National Infrastructure Protection Center |
NISAC | 1. National Information Security Assessment Center |
| 2. National Industrial Security Advisory Committee |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NKSR | Nonkernel Security Related |
NLSP | Network Layer Security Protocol |
NNID | Neural Network Intrusion Detector |
NOSC | Network Operations and Security Center |
NRD token | Non-Repudiation of Delivery token |
NRO token | Non-Repudiation of Origin token |
NRS token | Non-Repudiation of Submission token |
NRT token | Non-Repudiation of Transport token |
NRI | Non-Repudiation Information |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSAD | Network Security Architecture And Design |
NSAR | Network Security Architecture Review |
NSCSS | National Supervisory Council for Security Systems |
NSDD 145 | National Security Decision Directive 145 |
NSEP | National Security Emergency Preparedness |
NSM | Network Security Monitor |
NSO | Network Security Officer |
NSTAC | National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
NSTAT | Network STAT |
NSTISSAM | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory/Information |
| Memorandum |
NSTISSC | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee |
NSTISSD | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Directive |
NSTISSI | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction |
NSTISSP | National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy |
NTCB | Network Trusted Computing Base |
NTLM | Windows NT LAN Manager |
NZSA | New Zealand Security Association Inc |
NZSIS | New Zealand Security Intelligence Service |
NZSIT | New Zealand Security in Information Technology Publications |
 |  |
P |
P3P | Platform for Privacy Preferences |
PAA | Policy Approving Authority |
PAC | Privilege Attribute Certificate |
PAIIN | Privacy, Authentication, Identification, Integrity, Non-Repudiation |
PAIN | Privacy, Authentication, Identification, Non-Repudiation |
PAP | 1. Password Authentication Protocol |
| 2. Pre-Attack Probe |
PAT | Port Address Translation |
PBC | Plaintext Block Chaining |
P-BEST | Production-Based Expert System Toolset |
PCA | 1. Policy Certification Authority |
| 2. Payment Gateway Certification Authority |
| 3. Policy Creation Authority |
PCBC | Propagating Cipher Block Chaining |
PCERT | Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team |
PCT | Private Communication Technology |
PCZ | Protected Communications Zone |
PD | Protocol Decode |
PDM | Pix Device Manager |
PDP | Policy Decision Point |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
PDS | 1. Protected Distribution System |
| 2. Practices Dangerous To Security |
PEAP | Protected EAP |
PEM | Privacy Enhanced Mail |
PEN | Policy Enforced Networking |
PEP | Policy Enforcement Point |
PERT | Program Evaluation And Review Technique |
PFB | Plaintext Feedback |
PFS | 1. Perfect Forward Secrecy |
| 2. Public-Key Forward Secrecy |
PFX | Personal Information Exchange |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy |
PHF | Phonebook File CGI Script |
PI | Principal investigator |
PIDS | Perimeter Intrusion Detection System |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIN | Personal Identity Number |
PIX | Private Internet eXchange |
PKA | Public Key Algorithm |
PKC | Public Key Cryptography |
PKCS | Public-Key Cryptography Standards |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PKIX | Public Key Infrastructure X.509 |
PKP | Public Key Partners |
PKSD | Programmable Key Storage Device |
PLSDU | Physical Layer Service Data Unit |
PMK | Pairwise Master Key |
PMZ | Policy Management Zone |
PNE | Protection Needs Elicitation |
PNEK | Post-Nuclear Event Key |
POC | Proof Of Concept |
POST | Platform for Open Security Testing |
POTP | Protected One-Time Password |
PP | Protection Profile |
PPK | Per Packet Keying |
PPL | Preferred Products List |
PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol |
PRBAC | Partition Rule Base Access Control |
PROPIN | Proprietary Information |
PRNG | Pseudo Random Number Generator |
PSE | Personal Security Environment |
PSIRT | Product Security Incident Response Team |
PSM | Protective Security Manual |
PSK | Pre-Shared Key |
PSL | Protected Services List |
PSS | Probabilistic Signature Scheme |
PTK | Pairwise Transient Key |
PUK | PIN Unblocking Key |
PVLAN | Private VLAN |
PWDS | Protected Wireline Distribution System |
 |  |
S |
S\MIME | Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
SA | 1. System Administrator |
| 2. Security Association |
| 3. Suspicious Activity |
SAA | System Agent Attack |
SACL | System Access Control List |
SAF | System Authorization Facility |
SAFE | Security Architecture for the Enterprise |
SAFER | Secure And Fast Encryption Routine |
SAID | Security Association Identifier |
SAIC | Science Applications International Corporation |
SAISS | Subcommittee on Automated Information Systems Security of NTISSC |
SAM | 1.Security Access Monitor |
| 2. Suspicious Activity Monitoring |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language |
SAMP | Suspicious Activity Monitoring Protocol |
SANS | 1. System Administrator and Network Security Institute |
| 2. SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security Institute |
SARK | SAVILLE Advanced Remote Keying |
SATAN | System Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks |
SASL | Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
SBU | Sensitive but Unclassified |
SC | Secure Client |
SCA | Subordinate Certification Authority |
SCC | Security Coordination Center |
SCEP | Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol |
SCI | Sensitive Compartmented Information |
SCIF | Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility |
SCP | 1. Secure Copy |
| 2. SSH Copy |
SCV | Security Configuration Verification |
SD | Security Descriptor |
SDE | Secure Data Exchange |
SDEE | Security Device Event Exchange |
SDM | Security Device Manager |
SDNS | Secure Data Network System |
SDNRIU | Secure Digital Net Radio Interface Unit |
SDR | System Design Review |
SDSI | Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure |
SEAL | 1. Software-optimized Encryption Algorithm |
| 2. Screening External Access Link |
SECNAVINST | Secretary of the Navy Instruction |
SED | Secure Encryption Device |
SEE | Secure Execution Engine |
SEI | Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute |
SENV | Secure Envelope |
SEP | Scalable Encryption Processing |
SERT | Security Emergency Response Team |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction |
SF | Security Function |
SFA | Security Fault Analysis |
SFP | Security Function Policy |
SFUG | Security Features Users Guide |
SGID | Set Group ID |
S-HTTP | Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm |
SHS | Secure Hash Standard |
SID | Security ID |
SIGD | Security in Government Departments |
SIGSEC | Signal Security |
SILS | Standards for Interoperable LAN/MAN Security |
SISS | Subcommittee on Information Systems Security of the NSTISSC |
SKIP | Simple Key-management for Internet Protocols |
SLA | 1. Service Level Agreement |
| 2. Security Level Agreement |
SM | Security Manager |
SMI | Security Management Infrastructure |
SML | Strength Of Mechanisms |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SOC | Security Operation Center |
SOF | Strength of Function |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SP3/SP4 | 1. Security Protocol |
| 2. Service Pack |
SPA | Secure Posture Assessment |
SPAN | Switched Port Analyzer |
SPC | Software Publisher Certificate |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework |
SPI | 1. Security Parameters Index |
| 2. Secure Profile Inspector |
SPIT | Spam Over Internet Telephony |
SPK | Single Point Key(Ing) |
SPKI | Simple Public Key Infrastructure |
SPKM | Simple Public Key Mechanism |
SPM | Security Policy Model |
SPNEGO | Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism |
SRA | Sub-Registration Authority |
SRI | System Research Institute |
SRL | Secure Remote Login |
SRP | Secure Remote Password |
SRR | 1. Security Readiness Review |
| 2. Security Requirements Review |
SS7 | Signaling System 7 |
SSAA | System Security Authorization Agreement |
SSC | Site Security Contact |
SSH | Secure Shell |
SSID | Service Set ID |
SSL | 1. Secure Socket Layer |
| 2. Standard Security Label |
SSO | 1. Single Sign-On |
| 2. Special Security Officer |
SSP | 1. System Security Policy |
| 2. System Security Plan |
SSPI | Security Support Provider Interface |
SSRT | Software Security Response Team |
SSSO | Secure Single Sign-On |
ST | Security Target |
ST&E | Security Test And Evaluation |
STAT | State Transition Analysis Technology |
STD | State Transition Diagram |
STE | Secure Terminal Equipment |
STIG | Security Technical Implementation Guide |
STOP | Stack Overflow Protection |
STS | 1. Single Trusted System |
| 2. Subcommittee on Telecommunications Security of the NSTISSC |
STU III | Secure Telecommunication Unit III |
SUID | Set User ID |
SUNSeT | Stanford University Network Security Team |
SV | Starting Variable |
SVN | Secure Virtual Network |
S/WAN | Secure Wide Area Network |
SyOPs | Security operations procedures |
 |  |
T |
TA | Traffic Analysis |
TAC | Terminal Access Controller |
TACACS | Terminal Access Controller (TAC) Access Control System |
TACTED | Tactical Trunk Encryption Device |
TAISS | Telecommunications And Automated Information Systems Security |
TAP | Traffic Port Analyzer |
TASO | Terminal Area Security Officer |
TCB | Trusted Computing Base |
TCG | Trusted Computing Group |
TCSEC | Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria |
TECSEC | Technical Security |
TED | Trunk Encryption Device |
TEK | Traffic Encryption Key |
TESS | The Exponential Encryption System |
TFN | Tribe Flood Network |
TFN2K | Tribe Flood Network 2000 |
TFS | Traffic Flow Security |
TKIP | Temporal Key Integrity Protocol |
TLS | 1. Transport Layer Security |
| 2. Top-Level Specification |
TLSO | Top-Level Security Objectives |
TLSP | Transport Layer Security Protocol |
TNI | Trusted Network Interpretation |
TNIEG | Trusted Network Interpretation Environment Guideline |
TNIU | Trusted Network Interface Unit |
TOE | Target of Evaluation |
TPE | Trident Polymorphic Engine |
TPEP | Trusted Products Evaluation Program |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
Triple-DES | Triple Data Encryption Standard |
TRA | Threat and Risk Assessment |
TRANSEC | Transmission Security |
TRUSIX | Trusted UNIX Working Group |
TSA | Time-Stamping Authority |
TSC | 1. TKIP Sequence Counter |
| 2. TSF Scope of Control |
TSCM | Technical Surveillance Countermeasures |
TSEC | Telecommunications Security |
TSF | TOE Security Functions |
TSFI | TSF Interface |
TSIG | Trusted Systems Interoperability Group |
TSK | Transmission Security Key |
TSN | Transitional Security Network |
TSP | TOE Security Policy |
TTLS | Tunneled Transport Layer Security |
TTP | Trusted third party |
TTR | Time-To-Recover |
TWHS | Three-Way-Handshake |
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