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Fake DNS Servers in the Internet (DNS Spoofing) 26.11.02 17:47
Publisher: dl <Dmitry Leonov>
Fake DNS Servers in the Internet (DNS Spoofing) Ilya Medvedovsky ilya@blader.com
Internet host addressing relies on 32-bit IP addresses. These addresses uniquely identify each computer in this global network. However, IP addresses are not very convenient for users.
Therefore, when the Internet was created, a decision was made to give each computer in the network a name. Such names help the user to better navigate in the Internet cyberspace - it is much easier to remember, for example, www.dsec.ru than an IP address consisting of four numbers. The decision to use mnemonic names in the Internet resulted in a problem of converting these names to the IP addresses. Such conversion is necessary as packet addressing on the network level is performed using IP addresses, not names, so the names are not suitable for direct message addressing in the Internet. During the first stages of the Internet evolution, when this network still linked a small number of computers, in order to solve the problem of name conversion,...
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