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[RC5] Пре релиз новой версии клиента! 26.10.03 16:51  Число просмотров: 1806
Автор: Miraj <Михаил> Статус: Member
<"чистая" ссылка>
> А какие изменения в Changes зафиксированы?

без перевода:

2.9007-486 imp: nextstep: include assembler cores on x86
imp: nextstep: fix console handling for config menu
fix: macosx: no longer reference _kIOMasterPortDefault (#3338)
fix: macosx: fix temperature monitoring (#3343)
new: macosx: use IOHWSensor to read CPU temperature (#3334)
imp: some: allow for fractional temperature thresholds (#3315)
chg: x86: made Pentium M preselection like Pentium 4 (#3323)

2.9006-485 new: decunix: cpu temperature detection
new: macosx: use AppleCPUthermo to read CPU temperature (#3315)
imp: macosx: use latest gcc 3.3 to compile client and OGR cores
new: macosx: properly recongize the PowerPC 970 (G5) (#3310)
new: ppc: new rc5-72 core for PowerPC 970 (G5) by Didier Levet
new: nextstep: revived port with OGR and RC5-72 support

2.9005-484 new: x86: detect Athlon with Barton core (#3227)
new: x86: detect Celeron with Tualatin core / brand id 1 (#3246)
new: x86: detect Pentium M (#3304)
imp: x86: changed some preselected cores (#3233, #3293)
new: sparc: rc5-72 assembly cores by Andreas Beckmann
new: decunix: initial Lurk support
chg: all: single-threaded clients now ignore numcpu/max-threads
imp: alpha: preselect ansi 4-pipe for EV56 and higher
imp: alpha: preselect ansi 1-pipe for EV45 and lower
imp: all: remote buffer error reporting
imp: linux: print "'host' command not found" on resolve failur

Вот такие вот дела...
[RC5] Пре релиз новой версии клиента! 15.10.03 19:19  
Автор: Miraj <Михаил> Статус: Member
<"чистая" ссылка>
опубилкованна бетта 30 сентября, и все молчат!

здесь он тежит
[RC5] Пре релиз новой версии клиента! 15.10.03 20:05  
Автор: Miraj <Михаил> Статус: Member
<"чистая" ссылка>
потестил немного вот что вышло:
версия 9007,483 процессор AMD AthlonXP - 1599.3 Mhz
[Oct 15 16:35:16 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (SES 1-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:35:35 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #0 (SES 1-pipe)
0.00:00:16.16 [2,471,520 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:35:35 UTC] RC5-72: using core #1 (SES 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:35:54 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #1 (SES 2-pipe)
0.00:00:16.15 [3,872,815 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:35:54 UTC] RC5-72: using core #2 (DG 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:36:13 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #2 (DG 2-pipe)
0.00:00:16.13 [4,707,968 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:36:13 UTC] RC5-72: using core #3 (DG 3-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:36:32 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #3 (DG 3-pipe)
0.00:00:16.67 [4,745,088 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:36:32 UTC] RC5-72: using core #4 (DG 3-pipe alt).
[Oct 15 16:36:52 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #4 (DG 3-pipe alt)
0.00:00:16.92 [4,711,000 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:36:52 UTC] RC5-72: using core #5 (SS 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:37:11 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #5 (SS 2-pipe)
0.00:00:16.09 [5,183,031 keys/sec]

версия 9005,483 процессор AMD AthlonXP - 1599.3 Mhz
[Oct 15 16:38:13 UTC] RC5-72: using core #0 (SES 1-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:38:32 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #0 (SES 1-pipe)
0.00:00:16.07 [2,457,190 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:38:32 UTC] RC5-72: using core #1 (SES 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:38:52 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #1 (SES 2-pipe)
0.00:00:17.07 [3,863,158 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:38:52 UTC] RC5-72: using core #2 (DG 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:39:12 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #2 (DG 2-pipe)
0.00:00:16.75 [4,711,000 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:39:12 UTC] RC5-72: using core #3 (DG 3-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:39:32 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #3 (DG 3-pipe)
0.00:00:16.70 [4,735,298 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:39:32 UTC] RC5-72: using core #4 (DG 3-pipe alt).
[Oct 15 16:39:51 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #4 (DG 3-pipe alt)
0.00:00:16.92 [4,677,398 keys/sec]
[Oct 15 16:39:51 UTC] RC5-72: using core #5 (SS 2-pipe).
[Oct 15 16:40:10 UTC] RC5-72: Benchmark for core #5 (SS 2-pipe)
0.00:00:16.45 [5,200,406 keys/sec]

особой разницы не видно... Да и в интерфейсе тоже нет нововведений...
[RC5] Пре релиз новой версии клиента! 25.10.03 04:59  
Автор: RedAndr UfaTeam <Андрей Рыжков> Статус: Member
<"чистая" ссылка>
А какие изменения в Changes зафиксированы?
[RC5] Пре релиз новой версии клиента! 26.10.03 16:51  
Автор: Miraj <Михаил> Статус: Member
<"чистая" ссылка>
> А какие изменения в Changes зафиксированы?

без перевода:

2.9007-486 imp: nextstep: include assembler cores on x86
imp: nextstep: fix console handling for config menu
fix: macosx: no longer reference _kIOMasterPortDefault (#3338)
fix: macosx: fix temperature monitoring (#3343)
new: macosx: use IOHWSensor to read CPU temperature (#3334)
imp: some: allow for fractional temperature thresholds (#3315)
chg: x86: made Pentium M preselection like Pentium 4 (#3323)

2.9006-485 new: decunix: cpu temperature detection
new: macosx: use AppleCPUthermo to read CPU temperature (#3315)
imp: macosx: use latest gcc 3.3 to compile client and OGR cores
new: macosx: properly recongize the PowerPC 970 (G5) (#3310)
new: ppc: new rc5-72 core for PowerPC 970 (G5) by Didier Levet
new: nextstep: revived port with OGR and RC5-72 support

2.9005-484 new: x86: detect Athlon with Barton core (#3227)
new: x86: detect Celeron with Tualatin core / brand id 1 (#3246)
new: x86: detect Pentium M (#3304)
imp: x86: changed some preselected cores (#3233, #3293)
new: sparc: rc5-72 assembly cores by Andreas Beckmann
new: decunix: initial Lurk support
chg: all: single-threaded clients now ignore numcpu/max-threads
imp: alpha: preselect ansi 4-pipe for EV56 and higher
imp: alpha: preselect ansi 1-pipe for EV45 and lower
imp: all: remote buffer error reporting
imp: linux: print "'host' command not found" on resolve failur

Вот такие вот дела...

Rambler's Top100

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