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Windows 2000 not able to access more than 128GB on hard... 28.12.03 01:27 Число просмотров: 2663
Автор: Killer{R} <Dmitry> Статус: Elderman
Windows 2000 not able to access more than 128GB on hard drive
I found that to get more than 128GB of disk available on Windows 2000 SP3 (not sure about XP) you have to make a registry change to enable access to the full disk. This is due to a limit in Windows 2000 and its default ATA disk support. Save the text between the lines below into a file called BigDisk.reg, double-click the file and reboot. You should now be able to access the whole disk. You should also check that your BIOS supports large disks, and look at updating your BIOS if not.
<operating systems>
[NT] Винда не видит всего диска 27.12.03 21:35
Автор: Cyber_Onix Статус: Незарегистрированный пользователь
Поставил диск на сервак, 200 с лишним гиг, а винда заявляет что он типа 128 гиговый... Как бы ей объяснить что есть на самом деле?
Windows 2000 not able to access more than 128GB on hard... 28.12.03 01:27
Автор: Killer{R} <Dmitry> Статус: Elderman
Windows 2000 not able to access more than 128GB on hard drive
I found that to get more than 128GB of disk available on Windows 2000 SP3 (not sure about XP) you have to make a registry change to enable access to the full disk. This is due to a limit in Windows 2000 and its default ATA disk support. Save the text between the lines below into a file called BigDisk.reg, double-click the file and reboot. You should now be able to access the whole disk. You should also check that your BIOS supports large disks, and look at updating your BIOS if not.
Никак, 2000-я винда почему-то видит на таких дисках только 128 гиг, а ХР распознает их нормально 27.12.03 23:55
Автор: Sandy <Alexander Stepanov> Статус: Elderman