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misunderstanding SDKs 2008 for VS2008 Express 04.09.08 20:54  
Автор: void <Grebnev Valery> Статус: Elderman
Отредактировано 04.09.08 21:17  Количество правок: 1
<"чистая" ссылка>
The article” Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1”, dated 8/20/2008
( http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=59ec6ec3-4273-48a3-ba25-dc925a45584d&DisplayLang=en), says that “…Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions are not supported…”.

From the other hand, the article “Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5” , dated 2/5/2008 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F26B1AA4-741A-433A-9BE5-FA919850BDBF&displaylang=en), says that it supports Visual studio Express Editions.


Again, on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition download page (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=94DE806B-E1A1-4282-ABC5-1F7347782553&displaylang=en), it is told that "... Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition is the development environment for creating native Windows applications that deliver the highest quality rich user experiences. This new version includes an easy installation of the Windows Platform SDK...."

From the other hand, the article http://blogs.msdn.com/windowssdk/archive/2007/11/30/released-visual-studio-2008-with-embedded-windows-sdk-components.aspx says that the new VS Studio has “… some Windows SDK components…”


I am really confused. What version of the SDK should I use to compile on a Vista x64 computer using VS2008 Express? Can someone share experience of using SDK along with VS2008 Express Edition?

Thank you.

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