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- Напоминаю, что масса вопросов по функционированию форума снимается после прочтения его описания.
- Новичкам также крайне полезно ознакомиться с данным документом.
[lj] дропбоксное 24.02.12 14:15
Publisher: dl <Dmitry Leonov>
дропбоксное http://leonov.livejournal.com/350778.html
Мелочь, а приятно. Starting today, new users of Camera Upload will get 500 MB after their first successful import. Users can also receive up to a total of 3 GB additional free space for photos and videos automatically uploaded via the desktop or mobile apps. Forum build users who tested Camera Upload before today, either on the desktop or Android, will keep any additional storage space they received for trying the beta version, and will still be able to earn up to 5 GB. [ http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=55007&replies=29 ]
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