> скрин в аттаче. вопрос: винда собирается контролировать, > что я смотрю\слушаю? как, карл?
По ссылке ж все написано. Они выпилили поддержку WMDRM и честно предупреждают, если нашли такие файлы, что штатными средствами их уже не проиграть:
We show these messages if:
Any of your audio or video files have Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM). This includes music files in the WMA format that you ripped from CDs using Windows Media Player (any version up to Windows 10 version 1511) with the “copy protect music” option selected. This option was the default for a while, so you might not be aware that it was selected at the time you ripped your files. We’re working on a fix for content you ripped from CDs and should have one in a few months. Please come back to this page for more info.
You bought and downloaded audio or video from certain online stores including Zune Marketplace. (Downloaded or streaming audio or video from stores like Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix should be fine.)
> скрин в аттаче. вопрос: винда собирается контролировать, > что я смотрю\слушаю? как, карл?
По ссылке ж все написано. Они выпилили поддержку WMDRM и честно предупреждают, если нашли такие файлы, что штатными средствами их уже не проиграть:
We show these messages if:
Any of your audio or video files have Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM). This includes music files in the WMA format that you ripped from CDs using Windows Media Player (any version up to Windows 10 version 1511) with the “copy protect music” option selected. This option was the default for a while, so you might not be aware that it was selected at the time you ripped your files. We’re working on a fix for content you ripped from CDs and should have one in a few months. Please come back to this page for more info.
You bought and downloaded audio or video from certain online stores including Zune Marketplace. (Downloaded or streaming audio or video from stores like Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix should be fine.)